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Legal Terms

The below notices and terms are copyright protected, please do not copy them.

Privacy Policy

Divers Alert Network Southern Africa NPC (Registration Number: 1997/000483/08) (“DANSA”, “Us”, “We”, “Our”) operates that is accessible through the internet and is committed to protecting your privacy and complying with applicable data protection and privacy laws. This Privacy Policy will inform you as to how we Process your Personal Information and tell you about your privacy rights and how the law protects you (as a data subject).

Email Legal Notice

The terms and conditions below shall apply to all email communications to and from Divers Alert Network Southern Africa NPC (“DANSA”, “US”, “WE”, “OUR”).

PAIA Manual

In accordance with the Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA), we've prepared a manual that sets out the procedure to be followed should you wish to request access to information or documents from Divers Alert Network Southern Africa NPC. The Act requires us to make this manual available to a requester so that they: (1) know what types of information Divers Alert Network Southern Africa NPC has; (2) and can request access to such information.

Cookies Policy

Divers Alert Network Southern Africa NPC (“DANSA”, “we”, “us”, “our”) website belongs to and is operated by DANSA. This Cookies Policy sets out the rules that govern our use of cookies. By using the website, you consent to the use of cookies to track your activity on You will have seen a pop-up to this effect on your first visit to this website; although it will not usually appear on subsequent visits, you may withdraw your consent at any time by following the instructions below.

Website Terms of Use

These are the general terms of the relationship between you (the website visitor) and us (the website owner- Divers Alert Network Southern Africa NPC. They cover any use of (the website). You agree to be legally bound by the terms by visiting and using this website. Please do not use the website if you do not agree to the terms. You may not access, display, use, download, or otherwise copy or distribute content obtained on this website for marketing and other purposes without our consent.

Returns & Repairs Policy

You may exchange most of our products in their new, unopened condition within 7 days of delivery for a different item, voucher or full refund. Please see below for further information on how to return an item.

Membership Terms of Use

Please read the DAN membership terms and conditions carefully. Where the service will be provided for a minor, a parent or guardian will enter into the agreement on behalf of the child.

Recompression Chamber Policy

Divers Alert Network Southern Africa (DAN-SA) receives regular requests for information and/or contact numbers of recompression chambers (also known as hyperbaric chambers) by divers who are training as dive masters or dive leaders, or by divers who think that it may be in their best interest to know the number and location of the nearest recompression chamber. Although this information may be helpful, it often compromises dive safety by creating the impression that rushing an injured diver to the nearest chamber is the most important consideration in an emergency. Often, this is not the case and it may even be dangerous to do so. DAN-SA therefore does not provide information on recompression chambers to divers on request. We encourage that injured divers be given immediate emergency first aid and 100% oxygen, and be taken to the nearest 24-hour casualty as quickly as possible.

Debit Order Policy

Divers Alert Network Southern Africa’s (DAN-SA) membership is based on an advanced premium basis. If you apply for membership in the middle of a month and require immediate cover, your first debit will be a double premium; subsequent debits will be a single premium. If you apply for membership to start in the following month, your first debit will be a single debit.

DAN Logo Policy

The marks Divers Alert Network, DAN, Divers Alert Network and Design/Logo and DAN and Design/Logo (the "DAN Marks") are the registered marks of Divers Alert Network ("DAN") and solely owned by DAN. 

First Aid Rental Gear Terms & Conditions

The RENTER shall keep and maintain the rented equipment during the terms of the rental at his own cost and expense. The RENTER shall keep the equipment in a good state of repair, normal wear and tear excepted. The equipment shall be delivered to RENTER and returned to DAN at the RENTER’s risk, cost and expense. If a periodic rental rate is charged by DAN, rental charges are billed to the RENTER for each period or portions of the period form the time the equipment is delivered to RENTER until its return. If a term rental rate is charged by Divers Alert Network Southern Africa, rental charges are billed to the RENTER for the full term even if the equipment is returned before the end of the term. If the equipment is not returned during or at the end of the term, then the rental charges shall continue on a full term basis for any additional term or portion thereof until the equipment is returned. No allowance will be made for any rented equipment or portion thereof which is claimed not to have been used. Acceptance of returned equipment by DAN does not constitute a waiver of any of the rights Divers Alert Network Southern Africa has under the rental agreement. The RENTER shall not pledge or encumber the rented equipment in any way. DAN may terminate this agreement immediately upon the failure of the RENTER to make rental payments when due, or upon the RENTER’s filling for protection from creditors in any court of competent jurisdiction. Divers Alert Network Southern Africa makes no warranty of any kind regarding the rented equipment, except that Divers Alert Network Southern Africa shall replace the equipment with identical or similar equipment if the equipment fails to operate in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and operation instructions. Such replacement shall be made as soon as practicable after the RENTER returns the non-conforming equipment. The RENTER indemnifies and holds DAN harmless for all injuries or damage of any kind for repossession and for all consequential and special damages for any claimed breach of warranty. The RENTER shall pay all reasonable attorney and other fees, the expenses and costs incurred by Divers Alert Network Southern Africa in protection of its rights under this rental agreement and for any action taken by Divers Alert Network Southern Africa to collect any amounts due to DAN under this rental agreement. These terms are accepted by the RENTER upon delivery of the terms to the RENTER or the agent or other representative of the RENTER.